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July 27, 2016

Pledge three things

Each year we spend £30bn on public services and more than one in five of the country’s workforce works in the public sector.  And since the Christie Commission reported, there has been an ever increasing focus on whether we extract the maximum benefit from that level of investment. Last month, the First Minister laid down a challenge to every public body –sign the Social Impact Pledge to do more. Every public body is asked to commit to do three new things that will benefit the local community.  It’s a simple idea but often they’re the best.


Scottish Government

Communities Channel Scotland is pleased to host the Social Impact Pledge, a Scottish Government initiative aimed at increasing the social impact of public sector organisations across Scotland.

The Social Impact Pledge asks public sector organisations across Scotland to commit to increasing their social impact by making a public commitment to changing three aspects of their current operations or policies. This should be three things that they are not doing currently and haven’t done before. A range of public sector organisations have already made pledges, including Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Social Services Council and Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.

The Communities Channel website contains more info on the Social Impact Pledge. The site shows all the pledges made so far in full and also contains a map displaying the locations in Scotland that should directly benefit from these pledges.

The Scottish Government and Communities Channel Scotland hope to see a growing number of communities benefiting from Social Impact Pledges and would be interested to hear people’s experiences of, and thoughts about, the initiative. For instance, maybe there’s a public sector organisation that you would like to see make a pledge, or maybe you’d just like to find out more about exisiting pledges. The Social Life section has some ideas and tells you who to contact.

Find out more here