November 16, 2016
Contribution to housing crisis
There is something wholly dysfunctional about our housing market. Affordable housing to buy is pretty much an oxymoron and the private rental market is massively over-priced. Driving this inflation are sky high land values which, despite predictions of bubbles bursting along with the banks, remains steadfastly overpriced. The Scottish Government’s target of 35,000 new ‘affordable’ homes by 2021 will have to be delivered in the main by the for-profit sector but communities have an important contribution to make too, as highlighted in this new report.
To read the full report click here
In conjunction with a range of housing organisations, the Scottish Government has developed a Joint Housing Delivery Plan to help achieve its housing objectives. Some the actions arising from this Plan are specific steps which may be needed to, for example, facilitate the provision of new homes.
Other actions in the Plan are about promoting good practice, and that’s what this short publication aims to promote good practice. Action point 17 in the Plan begins with “people want to influence what happens in their neighbourhood”, and so this booklet draws together some examples from across Scotland of how place making – in most cases involving the provision of new homes – has been driven by the local community.