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Scottish Community Alliance

Local People Leading

Our purpose is to campaign collectively for a stronger and more cohesive community sector in Scotland.  We have two main functions – to promote the work of local people in their communities and to influence national policy in order to reflect the best interests of the sector.

A guiding principle is that we should seek to add value to the work of the individual networks within our membership.  To this end, we remain ‘light touch’, employing a minimum of staff, and directly investing whenever possible in activities that compliment and support the work of our membership.

In 2023, we published Our Vision for Scotland.  It is a bold and ambitious plan that requires radical action to deliver it.

We also published our Manifesto for Action with over 80 recommendations for action by the Scottish Government and local authorities that would deliver our vision.

Community Anchor Organisations

Those communities that are the most effective in terms of organising themselves to address whatever challenges they face appear to have certain characteristics in common. In particular, these communities tend to organise themselves around a local organisation (sometimes more than one working in partnership) which is under the control and ownership of local people.

These organisations have come to be known as Community Anchor Organisations (CAOs). Since its formation, we have consistently advocated that the presence of a community  anchor organisation is a prerequisite of effective and sustained community empowerment.

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