February 8, 2007
Strong and prosperous communities – The Local Government White Paper
The English local government white paper published in October now has a strong implementation plan on the DCLG site. This extract from its introduction shows that it aims at a fundamental re-balance of the central/local relationship.
Strong and prosperous communities – The Local Government White Paper
The English local government white paper published in October now has a strong implementation plan on the DCLG site. This extract from its introduction shows that it aims at a fundamental re-balance of the central/local relationship.
“[3.]The major public issues of our time – including tackling climate change, delivering economic prosperity, promoting greater community cohesion – have highlighted the need for ever greater citizen engagement. We need to harness the energy and creativity at the local level.
4.We are committed to empowering citizens and communities – to devolve more power locally and enable more choice, better redress and greater opportunity for communities to own and run local services. And to make this work we need effective, legitimate and vibrant local democracy with local government at the heart of sustainable communities – committed to empowerment, equity and value-for-money – and with the flexibility and capacity to deliver the best solutions for their areas.”
The full document can be downloaded as a PDF here: