
Please send me SCA's fortnightly briefing:

May 15, 2007

Yes Vote on Cultybraggan

Villagers have been celebrating a massive yes vote to proceed with plans to buy Cultybraggan Army Camp. The community is now awaiting news on Thursday of their latest funding application to the Big Lottery. 

Comrie Development Trust

Yes Vote on Cultybraggan

Comrie Development Trust

Villagers have been celebrating a massive yes vote to proceed with plans to buy Cultybraggan Army Camp.  From an impressive turnout of 72% (1404 voters) a staggering 97% cast their votes in favour of proceeding.  Richard Frew, Head of the Land Reform Unit at the Scottish Executive confirmed that this is the most conclusive community result to date under the legislation.  Cathy Tilbrook, Chair of the Comrie Development Trust said, “ We are all thrilled at the result.  This is a fantastic opportunity for our community.“

The community is now awaiting news on Thursday of their latest funding application to the Big Lottery.  This will enable the Trust to commission a full technical study and business plan for the site.  This will once again involve the whole community in thinking through detailed options for the actual uses of the site developing the ideas from the Big Design Day.  This work will take place between the end of May and the end of August and will include a full financial appraisal of the preferred plans.  During this time the Trust will be continuing their membership drive to encourage as many villagers as possible to join the organisation.  The community have until the 7th September to finalise their plans and complete the purchase.

David Robertson, Vice Chairman of the Comrie Community Council congratulated the Trust on the result saying, “ This is great news and a clear mandate from our community to progress with this exciting project”.

For further information on the work of the Trust or on the plans for Cultybraggan please contact the Trust’s secretary Alan Caldwell on 679830, Mill of Ross, PH6 2JR