
Please send me SCA's fortnightly briefing:

May 21, 2008

Community voices network

Arrangements are currently being developed to put in place a successor to the Community Voices Network – to offer volunteer community activists learning and networking opportunities. Like its predecessor it is not designed to become an independent voice of the community sector

Community Voices Network

Scottish Ministers have given approval for the Scottish Government to fund a successor to the Community Voices Network for the next 3 years. The successor CVN will be re-focused to further develop the learning dimension of the previous Network, based on the evidence from the evaluation. The successor CVN aims to support community activists and volunteers working to regenerate their communities to build their knowledge, skills capacity and expertise on community regeneration practice and policy. This will be achieved by providing:

· Learning opportunities on a range of topics relevant to community regeneration through a dedicated programme of events

· Opportunities for members to network and share experience with other communities across Scotland.

Arrangements for the delivery of the successor Network are currently being developed.