September 24, 2008
Peterhead aiming for the airwaves
Community radio stations are becoming an ever more popular and important part of community life. Almost always reliant on volunteer effort, community radio is known to have launched many young people on a media career. Blue Toon Community Radio in Peterhead is the latest addition to this fast growing network and they are looking for help
BLUE Toon Community Radio is seeking volunteers to help get the new station up and running in Peterhead.
A small and enthusiastic group of individuals in Peterhead recently formed a steering committee to promote the station, which is set to service listeners within a 50 mile radius of the town.
The group is looking to make programmes covering a wide
range of rural, cultural, health, economic and community issues and to promote knowledge of local heritage and local community issues.
Promoting community inclusiveness and involving people from all sections of the local population would also be a key objective.
In addition the group will recruit and train volunteers to make and present programmes and staff the station. It is a particular aim to work in partnership with local schools and involve young folk in the making and presenting of local programmes.
A very broad range of music is likely be broadcast to cater for all ages and tastes and advertising slots will be available for local businesses, individuals and groups.
John Cropley of the steering committee, told the Buchanie: “This is an exciting and challenging opportunity for lots of people from Peterhead and the surrounding area to become involved in creating, shaping and developing a truly local radio station with local content produced and delivered by local people.
“All kinds of knowledge, expertise and skills, not only presenters and creators of programmes, are needed to get the station up and running and then to keep it on air. Nearly everyone will have something to offer whether it is a programme idea, a couple of hours a week doing office work, or maybe a spot of cleaning.
“Lets make this germ of an idea take root, grow strongly and blossom into a flourishing radio station of which all in Peterhead and the surrounding area can be proud. This can happen only if local people and groups get involved, buy into it and promote the project and support it once the station is operational.”
To hear more about the project, or to offer your skills or help, email Mr Cropley on or call him on (01779) 477041.