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October 7, 2009

Pulteneytown wins the Lottery jackpot

Over the past 6 years, Pulteneytown People’s Project has gradually been working towards their vision of a purpose built community centre in the centre of Wick which would accommodate all of its many projects that are currently scattered around the town.  An injection of £1 million from Big Lottery is about to turn the dream into reality

Since 2003 Pulteneytown People’s Project has been working to develop an energy‐efficient Community and Regeneration Centre that will help regenerate the town and provide a facility that will meet the demands of the area.
Plans for this were drawn up based on the feedback we received from our initial community consultation four years ago, and these have been updated again recently to accommodate changing community needs, for example after consultation with Grey Coast Theatre, North Highland College, and Caithness Arts the plans now include an arts venue to seat up to 120 people.
In 2006 we secured a 50‐year lease from Pulteney Distillery for ground in Huddart Street, Pulteneytown. Our project intends to house all our existing services within the centre, as well as providing a community café, community facilities, recreational space, childcare facilities, office space, social economy business units, training facilities for college and lifelong learning opportunities, and an Arts Venue and exhibition space.

This £1 million grant will go towards the construction costs of our new centre. The centre will bring together existing projects and services operated by PPP and will provide additional space and facilities to accommodate more services and activities, including sports and drama activities, youth work and office space for service providers and social enterprises. The project will benefit 2000 people from the community of Wick.