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December 16, 2009

Vital role of community press

Visit any community with a strong sense of local identity and you will almost always find a local community newspaper.  Sometimes funded through local advertising but more often the work of committed teams of volunteers, community press plays a crucial role – often unacknowledged – in building community self confidence and resilience.  The first edition of a new paper in Glasgow’s southside – The Crane - hit the streets earlier this month

The Crane – a new community paper hits the streets

The Crane is a community newsletter run by local volunteers. We are committed to community participation: people working together on issues affecting their community.

The Crane is not affiliated to or funded by any business or local/ national government agencies, nor is it affiliated to any political organisations.

We aim to open our pages to stories of communities taking action and to exposing injustice without fear. We welcome any comments or ides you might have.

Even better why not get involved with producing and distributing The Crane.