
Please send me SCA's fortnightly briefing:

December 8, 2010

Overwhelmingly yes

Whatever happens at the next election, the current Housing Minister Alex Neil MSP will be remembered as the one who cracked the impasse surrounding the transfer of Glasgow’s housing stock into community ownership. Some thought it would never happen and although there’s still a long way to go, one ballot result after another demonstrates that tenants prefer to have a landlord that is under their local control

The results of six ballots were announced this week- each one with more that 80% of tenants voting in favour of transferring from Glasgow Housing Association to community controlled  housing associations

Three ballots in North Glasgow – North Glasgow LHO, Red Road Balornock and Balmore – all voting in favour of transferring to North Glasgow Housing Association

The three other ballots held by Queens Cross Housing Association, Southside Housing Association and Yorkhill Housing Association  all produced the same results  – a resounding yes to transfer.

These results come hard on the heels of other ballots with the same outcome held by Govanhill Housing Association – tenants of Govanhill LHO (79% voted yes) and tenants of Merrylee LHO (76% voted yes)

Queens Cross Housing Association have already conducted two other ballots of GHA tenants – both producing the same results. Tenants prefer to have a landlord under their local control