
Please send me SCA's fortnightly briefing:

November 16, 2011

A call for communities

No-one can predict how the economic crisis will resolve itself but what seems certain is that the most vulnerable in our communities will be feeling the brunt of it for a long time to come. What also seems certain is that the resourcefulness of our sector to respond to these challenges is going to be tested like never before. In advance of its 3rd Scottish Assembly next year, the Poverty Alliance has put out a call for any successful examples of community led projects that tackle poverty

In the face of a stagnating economy and predictions that poverty will rise in the next four years, those fighting poverty in Scotland will face many challenges over the next few years. Yet despite the fact that large cuts are being made to public spending, the UK remains a wealthy society – highlighted by recent figures on the 49% increase in pay for FTSE 100 directors.

It is in this context that the Poverty Alliance will be organising the 3rd Scottish Assembly for Tackling Poverty. The Assembly will take place in Glasgow on the 15th and 16th March 2012 and will be a chance to challenge our current ways of working. It will be an opportunity to look at look at real alternatives; from the economic model to community driven alternatives that are delivering justice for those on the sharp end of a broken system.

We are seeking successful community led projects that are demonstrating effective alternatives that tackle poverty. We are looking for community based initiatives that are addressing aspects of:

• Child poverty (for example child care initiatives or extra curricular activities)
• Fuel poverty (for example through ownership of renewable energy)
• Welfare reform (for example welfare rights advice initiatives)
• Alternative economic models (for example co-operatives or mutuals)
• Sustainable communities (for example projects that address poverty and the environment and the empowerment of disadvantaged communities)

The Assembly will be a real opportunity to exchange your experience, to present evidence on what has worked, and to make demands for change. If you are part of an initiative or know of one that is addressing one of the themes above we would like to hear from you. We will be creating a number of different types of opportunities at the Assembly for exchange and discussion. If you are interested in being involved next year please fill in this form and send it back to us. We will then be in touch to discuss how best you can be involved.

The Poverty Alliance
162 Buchanan Street
Glasgow, G1 2LL
