
Please send me SCA's fortnightly briefing:

October 24, 2012

National developments need local engagement

Many communities become actively involved with their local authority’s planning process and this helps to shape what happens on the ground.  But local planning is also part of a wider regional and national planning system, and to date the community sector’s input into these more strategic levels has been minimal. The Alliance recently joined an Advisory Group to support work on the new National Planning Framework with the aim of generating much more active engagement from across our sector – starting with this series of consultation events.


The National Planning Framework (NPF) is a strategy for the long-term development of Scotland’s towns, cities and countryside. The NPF is about shaping Scotland’s future and is concerned with how Scotland develops over the next 20 years and how to make that possible. The NPF identifies key strategic infrastructure needs to ensure that each part of the country can develop to its full potential.

Planning legislation requires Scottish Ministers to revise the NPF within 5 years of publication. Scottish Ministers have confirmed that work on the preparation of NPF3 will commence in autumn 2012, focusing strongly on economic recovery and the transition to a low carbon economy.

Scottish Government launched the revision of the NPF in September with the publication of the Participation Statement.   A series of stakeholder events and public drop-in sessions are being organised at venues across the country – see here for details.