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November 21, 2012

More than a pub

16 pubs close down every week.  While some might argue that Scotland’s pub culture could do with a little trimming, there’s no doubt that community based pubs have much to offer. This report from IPPR sets out very clearly the case for genuine community pubs. The community of Tweedsmuir have fought long and hard to save their pub which also happens to be 400 years old and steeped in history.  They’ve already raised more than two thirds of the asking price but time is not on their side.


The Crook Inn has been at the heart of the Upper Tweed Valley community for over 400 years. During that time, there have been countless weddings, funerals, music sessions, and community gatherings, as well as plenty of good nights in the bar. It has been a staging post for travellers between Scotland and England. It has hosted the Porteous Clan, vintage car rallies, and literary luminaries such as Robert Burns, Walter Scott and John Buchan. Burns even wrote a poem, Willie Wastle’s Wife, in the Crook Bar.
Sadly, the Crook has been closed for the past five years and the fabric of a fine building (traditional Borders and Art Deco) has been decaying.
Now, however, the community has an opportunity to buy, renovate and run the Crook Inn.
£160,000 must be raised by the end of the year, but if it is, the Crook can again provide jobs and be at the centre of great things once more.

Help us provide jobs preserve history and put the heart into our community once more …
Help us raise £160,000 by December 2012 to buy back this historic 17th Century Inn

To learn more about the Crook Inn and watch a video which explains how much the pub means to this community click here