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January 16, 2013

Fund a film

Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson’s book Spirit Level – why equality is better for everyone, has been one of the most talked about books in years.  Its popularity may have something to do with the fact that it provided some robust evidence based research confirming what most people had been thinking for years but couldn’t prove.  First the book, now the film. Except the producers need some wannabe movie investors.


Over the last year, we’ve seen protests from Cairo to New York to London, and now everyone from the world’s billionaires to Barack Obama have claimed inequality is the number one problem of our time.

Based on the best-selling book The Spirit Level, this film looks at how the rising gap between rich and poor has impacted on our societies. How has it risen? Why does it impact on society? And could greater equality really benefit everyone, even the rich?

We’ll be hearing from people around the world, in different societies, at different income levels. How far do they believe that society makes you who you are, and what do we all want for a better future?

But we need your help to make this film a reality – PRE-BUYING YOUR COPY OF THE FILM NOW is one of the easiest ways you can support us.   Of course, if you want to donate more you can – and we have a whole range of attractive perks on offer (from signed copies of the book, to tickets to the premiere!). Visit our ‘Fund’ page above.

You can also help by sharing this website – the more people know about the film, the easier it is to get them talking about the issues it raises.

“profoundly important” Richard Layard 

“the evidence, here painstakingly marshalled, is hard to dispute” The Economist 

“they’re onto something here, aren’t they?” The Guardian