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December 18, 2013

Campaign Central

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”. These words of anthropologist Margaret Mead have often been used to encourage those who work to change the system in some way – usually against the odds. People who become involved in campaigning to change a perceived wrong often find the only thing they have to drive them on is the passion they feel for their cause. But no longer – help is at hand. Now arriving at Campaign Central.


Sheila McKechnie Foundation

  Campaign Central – A place to network and learn for campaigners across Scotland


 For people across Scotland who are speaking out and taking action on issues that matter to them and their communities – from wind farms to Scottish independence – Campaign Central, the online hub for campaigners, is a valuable tool.


 You can access country specific resources. These have been written by a Scottish Regional Coordinator – someone who knows the landscape, context and specific difficulties faced by people campaigning in Scotland. These resources range from getting to grips with how to influence the Scottish Parliament, to information about funding contacts and opportunities in Scotland.


 A new online campaigners’ forum has also launched where you can share knowledge and ask questions. You can connect with others who you may not otherwise have the chance to, building coalitions to make your voice stronger.


 So if you’re struggling to get your campaign off the ground or you don’t know how to best influence your local authority, you can post a question on the Campaign Central forum for another seasoned campaigner to answer.


 Alternatively, if you’ve successfully taken action on something – or you have ideas about how to speak out and influence – then why not share your tips, tools and tactics with others. That way, people who may not otherwise know where or how to access advice will feel less isolated or unsure.



Campaigners and campaign experts across the UK have also come together to pool their knowledge on how to campaign effectively. This means Campaign Central now hosts a detailed amount of ‘know-how’ information about different methods and pathways for getting your voice heard, written by people who really do know how. So if you’re wanting to find out how to influence the House of Lords or why it’s so important to mobilise support – and how exactly you should go about this – information available here goes some way in answering these questions.

 And finally, Campaign Central is now even more accessible on mobile platforms. So you can access this information on the go, in real time.


 What’s more, this is all completely free. So head over to Campaign Central now to connect, network and learn with others.