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March 11, 2015

Digital divide widens

Glasgow’s health profile is something of an unexplained phenomena amongst public health professionals. The experts claim that while high concentrations of poverty are a contributory factor, something else is at work which they don’t fully understand.  And it seems that health is not the only measure in which Glasgow lags behind the rest of the country. While 24% of the UK population have no online presence, in Glasgow this figure stands at 40%.  As society becomes ever more digitally dependent, this level of disconnect becomes much more than a technical issue.


Carnegie UK

Glasgow experiences some of the highest levels of digital exclusion in the UK. What are the key barriers citizens face to getting online? How do these vary by demographic group? What might be the most effective solutions for increasing digital participation in the city? And how can other towns, cities and communities from across the UK learn from the challenges and the solutions in Glasgow?

To view the report from Carnegie UK click here