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July 29, 2015

A community right to beauty

If asked most people would choose to live in a place that they consider to be beautiful rather than ugly but until recently the significance of this perception has been significantly understated. A new report from think tank ResPublica highlights the link between living in a place of beauty and feeling healthier, both physically and mentally, as well as experiencing lower crime rates. To counter the human cost of living with ugliness, ResPublica argue for a new community right to beauty. A little addendum to the Community Empowerment Bill, perhaps?



A Community Right to Beauty To read full report click here 

ResPublica has launched its latest report: A Community Right to Beauty: Giving communities the power to shape, enhance and create beautiful places, buildings and spaces. Arguing for the restoration and democratisation beauty in public policy, this seminal publication recommends the extension of community influence in the planning process to ensure beautiful localities are accessible to all.

Based on findings from a public poll conducted by leading pollsters Ipsos Mori, the report explores the public’s attitudes towards beauty and perceived local access to beautiful spaces.

Beauty plays a central role in enabling people and communities to flourish. Our report highlights the health, economic, social and civic benefits of living near beautiful surroundings, and reasserts the importance of its intrinsic value.

Our report argues for a ‘community right to beauty’ to be introduced via primary legislation, the details of which will be revealed in the report. The policy recommendations set out a range of new powers and incentives to support the democratic discernment of what makes a neighbourhood beautiful, and communities’ ability to independently create, shape and improve their locale.