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November 18, 2015

Men’s sheds on the move

More often than not, the best ideas are the simple ones. At a time when the number of people living long into old age is growing exponentially, opportunities for folk (especially men) who aren’t working full time to meet up, pursue hobbies and stay active are increasingly important. It’s now common knowledge that loneliness and isolation pose a massive health risk. The first Men’s Shed appeared in Scotland in 2013. Next week sees the launch of the Scottish Men’s Sheds Association. Thereafter a national roadshow kicks off. Get your tickets, men



Men’s Sheds Association Road trip Your FREE ticket links and info below.

Glasgow 7th December – Click here

Oban 8th December – Click here

Inverness 9th December – Click here

Fife 11 December – Click here


The Scottish Men’s Sheds Movement is spreading across Scotland helping communities live in a more integrated and healthier way. Since the first Scottish Men’s Shed opened in 2013 many have been asking for support in creating their own local Community Men’s Shed. Out of these increasing requests for support across Scotland the learning which has been gained by our trustees since 2009 in starting the first Men’s Shed in Scotland is now being made available through the charity to this expanding sector.

Communities will no longer have to reinvent the wheel so to speak when starting on the road to creating their own Community Men’s Shed.

If you are someone who wants to hear more about Scottish Men’s Sheds, a third sector, council or community development officer who supports local communities, a health professional and any other category which supports our aims, we look forward to meeting you on this exciting road trip around Scotland.

Book your tickets now, when they are gone they are gone!