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August 24, 2016

Spell casting

There was a time when if you wanted to become a community worker, you could head off to college, get a diploma and apply to a local authority CLD team where there were jobs aplenty. But that pathway belongs to a different era and today it has all but disappeared.  Many would argue that community work shouldn’t have been a local authority function in the first place but the demise of CLD begs the question – where do aspiring community workers and leaders go to learn their craft. TEDx perhaps? Alex Walker, longstanding DTAS supporter, offers some tips on casting spells.



Alex Walker

Alex Walker is one of Scotland’s leading experts in the field of community development and in this light-hearted presentation, he talks about some of the “spells” he has used over the years as he weaves his “magic”.

An Introduction to Spell-casting | Alex Walker | TEDxFindhorn