
Please send me SCA's fortnightly briefing:

September 7, 2016

Parishes from the past

From 1790, statistical records were kept on a parish by parish basis of what was happening within Scotland’s communities. Records were maintained by the local minister or sometimes the local laird. These records have long since been subsumed into the national archives but the faint outline of parish boundaries may still linger within the cultural and folk memory of these communities. A new initiative from TRACS aims to help communities to map and even reclaim their cultural assets. 



The People’s Parish is a new initiative from TRACS (Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland) which aims to support communities explore, shape and creatively use their local assets – stories, traditions and history – to showcase themselves to the world and build a picture of Scotland in the first part of the 21st century from the people’s point of view.

The People’s Parish will explore new ways of mapping communities by gathering and giving voice, resulting in a platform of songs, stories, dances, traditions and histories that best reflect each community.

We invite local activists, artists and community organisations to a day to explore how the initiative could work in the fifteen parishes of Midlothian on Saturday 10th September at theNational Mining Museum, Newtongrange.

The day will be a mix of speakers, hands-on activity with maps, plus local song and story fromKirsty Law and Lea Taylor.

Booking for the day is via the Scottish Storytelling Centre (0131 556 9579) or online here.


The modest cover charge of £18 (£15 for members of the Storytelling, Danceand Music Forums) includes lunch.