December 14, 2016
Last chance to have your say
In the New Year we can expect Scottish Government to publish a white paper leading to further reforms of the planning system. Many believe the system is deeply unfair and skewed against the best interests of communities. The gathering point for this perspective has become Planning Democracy and PD’s founder Clare Symonds outlines the case for change here. There’s one more chance for communities to put their tuppence in before the White Paper is published. A short e-survey of views which closes next Friday.
Following the independent review of the Scottish planning system, the Scottish Government commissioned a team led by Yellow Book to carry out a research study into the barriers to community engagement in planning. To complete the research they are conducting an online survey which will help us to test some of the ideas and key messages emerging from the review. We would be very grateful if you could:
(i) follow the link to complete the survey by Friday 23rd December 2016, and
(ii) forward the link to other people in your community and/or professional network – the more people who take part the better.