March 27, 2013
£100 million and counting
In the last edition of Local People Leading, we highlighted the case of Lanark Community Development Trust falling foul of a lack of joined up decision making between funders. It prompted a query within the Alliance about just how much public funding is available to the sector. This proved harder than we thought so we’re crowdsourcing for more information. If you can fill in gaps or spot any sources we’ve missed, please let us know. Even so, the running total – £100m a year – took us by surprise.
£100 million and counting
For the purposes of this exercise, only public funding that is available in the form of grant ie only Govt and Lottery funds were included. Social investment funds, where there is an element of loan finance mixed with grant have been excluded at this point but it may well be that a further scoping of this funding should be carried out. Charitable trusts and grant funds from the private sector have also been excluded.
The spreadsheet can be accessed here
Any suggestions for additions or corrections please email with the heading Community Sector Funding