
Please send me SCA's fortnightly briefing:

July 2, 2014

A road map to transfer

One of the main areas of the Community Empowerment Bill relates to the transfer of public assets to communities. Significantly the draft Bill appears to presume in favour of a community’s interest in an asset assuming it can demonstrate the transfer would be in the public interest. DTAS’ Community Ownership Support Service is likely to see a significant increase in demand as a result of the Bill.  In readiness, COSS has produced a very nifty new resource designed to help community groups work through the process. 



To see the new resource which is now available to community groups click here

The Community Ownership Support Service (COSS) has been funded by the Scottish Government to support community based groups in Scotland take a stake in or ownership of previously publicly owned land or buildings.

This adviser based service is being delivered Scotland wide and aims to provide individual community groups and Local Authorities with a bespoke support service. It is likely that our support will include a combination of –

•          Expert advice  on all aspects of asset transfer

•          Training courses on the asset transfer and asset development process

•          Sign-posting to other support agencies

•          Web access to information on good practice, toolkits and case studies.