June 15, 2016
Consultations can be engaging
Anyone who has tried to engage with Scottish Government consultations will know, there are many more stimulating of ways of spending your time. While it’s vital that we do respond to the consultations whenever possible, the very formal manner in which we are invited to engage is invariably off-putting. And so it’s encouraging to see that the Third Sector team has adopted a much more imaginative approach to garnering the input of social enterprises as it works on a 10 year strategy to grow the social enterprise sector across Scotland.
Scottish Government new ‘colourful’ approach to engaging stakeholders in a consultation.
Social enterprise sector representatives are working with Scottish Govt to co-produce a ‘Social Enterprise Strategy for Scotland’ for the next 10 years. This builds on the SE Vision 2025 (Feb 2015). A series of roundtable discussions involving the wider third sector as well as the public and private sectors are taking place during this month covering a range of topics including employability, social investment and business support. In addition to this an interactive website has been developed to collect and prioritise views of social enterprises in an open and democratic way – this is your opportunity to contribute your ideas, views and get involved in discussion forums. The hashtag to use on social media is #sestrategy.