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July 2, 2008

Wellhouse celebrate opening of vital new sports facility

Five years ago a Council run sports hall was closed due to flood damage. Since then it has lain empty and become prey to vandalism. Wellhouse Community Trust pulled together a package of support involving 15 different funders and last week ‘hubSports’ opened its doors to the public


‘hubSports’ a 4-court games hall will deliver over 15 different sports activities on a weekly basis.
This will compliment the Trusts other facilities; Innerzone, a youth venue and the Hub, an employment/training facility that have been operational for the past 4 years.

The Trust along with Wellhouse Housing Association (WHA) have a determined and driven approach to the improvement of the area and with the commitment of local people the residents are empowered through physical, social and economic regeneration.

Previously run by Glasgow City Council the hubSports (previously named Wellhouse Central) building was flooded and then partly fire damaged and then lay as an eyesore to the area for over 5 years. Only 200 yards from ‘the hub’ a new state of the art building owned by WHA and managed by WCT, hubSports was the next target for both organisations to tackle.

Local decisions and sustainability

After local community consultation and working groups the plans were drawn up and set into motion. High on the agenda is sustainability for this building by installing geo-thermal systems for heating and a wind-turbine for electricity. hubSports is an environmentally friendly, income generation model that not only supports the improvement of health & wellbeing of residents but any surpluses go back into the other services and activities of the Trust such as drop-in youth nights and elderly social activities.

Pauline Smith, Manager of the Trust said, “All activities of the Trust rely on the ownership of each and every one being taken by the community – the staff are the support mechanisms, the community are the driving force but there is a passion and dedication from both to keep moving forward. hubSports will compliment the services and activities available within ‘the hub’ and ‘innerzone’ and provide even more opportunities for local jobs, training, diversionary activities and physical activity for all the community.”
More information

For more information or to join our mailing list call Anna Marie Campbell (Development Officer) on 0141 781 2132 or e-mail: