December 17, 2008
‘Community Allowance’ gains ground
The Welfare Reform White Paper, published last week, includes reference to the Community Allowance(CA) and the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) has ‘agreed that CREATE can pilot CA within the existing Employment and Support Allowance system’. CREATE will continue to campaign for all benefit claimants to be eligible
Community Allowance was in the Welfare Reform White Paper.
The DWP has “agreed that CREATE can pilot Community Allowance within the existing Employment and Support Allowance system”. It goes on to say, “If pilots show that Community Allowance improves the Employment and Support Allowance customers’ chances of moving into work and off benefit, we will consider introducing it on a larger scale.”
We are still going ahead with our Right to Bid application to pilot the Community Allowance for people in receipt of any benefit, but we wanted to share this positive, significant step forward with you and to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support.