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October 21, 2009

Popular resistance celebrated

20 years ago, the Conservative Government introduced the Poll Tax to Scotland.  It provoked a widespread campaign of resistance to what was perceived as a highly iniquitous form of local taxation.  Community resistance in Edinburgh was recognised as being at the forefront of this campaign which inspired and supported other groups across Scotland. A new exhibition is being held to celebrate the power of ordinary people

The Poll Tax: 20 Years since its introduction in Scotland 

An Exhibition – at the 13th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair

Wednesday 28th October to Sunday 1st November 2009 in Out of the Blue Drill Hall, 30-38 Dalmeny Street, Edinburgh, EH6 8RG, Scotland, UK.

This exhibition celebrates the ways in which ordinary people organised themselves into community groups to take on this hated unjust tax. People of Edinburgh were at the very forefront of resistance, using determination, creativity and great courage in the face of authority at all levels.These people inspired and supported other groups emerging in Scotland and later in England, to take on this tax and consign it and its architect Margaret Thatcher to the history books. Much to celebrate! Come see the exhibition and celebrate the power of ordinary people – just like you!